With RWPI panels you can rest assured they are designed to give the best performances and comply with all European standards of quality and reliability, the CE marking guarantees that. Our panels comply with the values resulting from the ITT tests for obtaining the CE marking, performed at the Certification Institute K.I.T. (KARLSRUHER INSTITUT FUR TECHNOLOGIE) of Karlsruhe (Germany).

But what is it the CE marking and why is it so important?
The CE marking is a mark that must be affixed to certain types of products by the manufacturer itself, which thus certifies compliance with the essential requirements for the marketing and use in the European Union of its products. The directive requiring the CE marking for manufacturers of construction material is 89/106/EEC, replaced by the new European Regulation 305/2011 in force since April 24, 2011.
The marking ensures the traceability of the products: each RWPI customer can recognize all the characteristics of the panel, going back to the transformation phases from the raw material to the finished product.

For construction products, the minimum requirements to be met concern six different areas:
Mechanical resistance and stability. (Mechanical tests - Test bench)
Safety in the event of fire
Hygiene, health and the environment
Safety and accessibility in use
Protection against noise
Energy saving and heat retention
Obtaining the CE Marking, and all other certifications, RWPI Research and Development Center plays a prominent role. In particular, the Center defines the contacts with the certified and notified laboratories, prepares the collection and preparation of the required samples, organizes the logistics and follows the tests directly
The reports received from the various notified authorities and from the RWPI laboratory are analyzed and processed in order to gather the information necessary to make improvements.